Monday, May 13, 2024

Routines & Me

 Get up for the day, stretch, get dressed, eat breakfast, walk the dog, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch some TV. read a book, go to bed.  That's a routine, right!?  Routine.  A word that is common for many autistics of any part of the spectrum.  The word, routine is defined as a regular series of events/activities that one has in their schedule.

Autism and Change in Routine, Autism and Change of Environment — Autism  Specialty Group

Routine can look different for an individual on the autism spectrum.  For me, my schedule depends on what I have going on that day/week.   I try my best to be productive given the circumstances with how my brain operates.  I've come a long way with myself.  Sometimes it can be hard to motivate myself, but if I let the part of my brain that wants motivation to win, I will never succeed.  Yes, motivation isn't bad, but if it's the only way you are able to get out of bed or be productive, it isn't the best mindset. 

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