Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Challenge of Dating on the Spectrum

 Love on the Spectrum: A Show That Showcases Autism and Finding Romantic Partners

Has anyone seen this amazing show Love on the Spectrum: US or Australia on Netflix?  Don't know what it's about?  Well, in a nutshell, it is about a journey of adults on the Autism Spectrum and their experiences with dating and/or dealing with being in relationships.  I have been watching this show with my dad for a month now.  We were able to binge the U.S. version all the way through and now, we are on he Australian version.  

Why is this show important to me as well as other adults with ASD?  It showcases adults on the spectrum who are at different places in life and with their autisms.  It shows that no matter how "severe" your autism diagnosis is, you can still find love.  

If you have not seen it, I HIGHLY recommend watching it!  In the U.S. version, the autism expert that they use, wrote the book Autism in Heels that I started reading last year and finished recently.  Her name is Jennifer Cook.  She was diagnosed with ASD as an adult in her 30s in 2013(?) (sorry Jennifer if you are reading this and I got this information wrong!).  She helped the people on the show get over hurdles and talk about the challenges that they face when it comes to dating with ASD.  She gives GOOD advice to those on the show and it helped me gain confidence with my autism.

Above, is a trailer for Love on the Spectrum: U.S.(Netflix).  Feel free to watch the trailer.

Challenges of Dating & Being on the Autism Spectrum

What did Love on the Spectrum(Netflix) have to do with the blog?  Well, being an adult with ASD with friends who are also on the spectrum, forming relationships of any kind, can be challenging.  When you are autistic, it is common to have challenges with social communication as well as social interactions.  

I've found that a lot of the times in my life, I have struggled with boundaries and knowing what information is too much to share or what I need to share.  

A lot of people on the spectrum also have the struggle of knowing how to place people in their lives and what boundaries they need to set/respect with those they interact with.  The above video mentions the "relationship onion tool".  

Now, being on the spectrum and being an adult can be challenging.  Especially with dating.  Around 50% of all adults with autism live with a member of their family. "Old research shows that about 5% of autistic adults are married or have been married in the past. 9% of autistic adults are married, while 32% have a romantic partner" (DiscoveryABA).  32% is a low number for people on the spectrum who are dating or have a romantic partner.  These numbers are surprisingly low and should be changed eventually.  

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