Sunday, November 17, 2019

Moving On...

It's been a while.  I have been a little busy with school and work.  In April, I was given a job at Pieology in Lehi, Utah.  I have enjoyed it and wouldn't trade it for the world.

A lot has happened since this summer.  I'll make a list, because why not?!
  1. I got to go to Shawn Mendes' tour in Salt Lake City, Utah at the beginning of July.
  2. I saw the Backstreet Boys in concert in August, I've wanted to see them in concert since I was little.
  3. In mid-August, Julie and I were at Lagoon obsessing over the fact that Tom Holland (aka the new Spider-Man) was coming to Salt Lake City's Fan X Comic Convention and how bad we wanted to go...we bought our tickets for $200 or more and a couple weeks later, our dreams came true.  On September 7th, we woke up early to attend Tom Holland's Q&A panel, which was WORTH IT!  Then at 3:10, we got to meet him.  OH MY GOSH!!! I was SO starstruck!! I don't remember taking the picture.  I think I remember walking up to him freaking out and almost crying. Our picture together says it all. Because of this day, I made friends with girls who are madly in love with him too.  We only got 5-seconds with him, but it was the BEST 5-seconds of my life.  Now, whenever I watch Spider-Man or Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War, I can now say that I've been touched by the Great Peter Parker. :) 
  4. One day, I was working a long shift at work.  While I was on break, I had friends offer me tickets from other people for the Jonas Brothers' concert.  I wanted to go, but some of the tickets had cost a lot of money.   I got home, showered, and looked at my balance...I found tickets on the floor for $140 just 3-hours before the show started.  I got ready as fast as I could and went to Salt Lake and got to the concert right as the last opening act was performing.  I couldn't contain my excitement.  I was SO close to the stage.  Well, the boys came on and I was screaming my head off and singing EVERY SONG!!!  It gets better!! I sat close to the aisle where they would walk to and from the different stages and I was SO close to touching Nick and Kevin Jonas and both of them made eye contact with me at least once during the concert.  I was living my childhood dream.  I left the concert crying tears of joy.  You best believe I'll be seeing them AGAIN!!!
  5. Two weeks ago, Julie and I attended Twenty-One Pilots.  They were okay, I feel like I went because everyone was saying "they're good live".  They are, I just felt awkward because I only knew 3 songs they sung.  I don't think I'd go to their concert again, but it was a good experience.
I guess you can say I've had an awesome year, but in the middle of all of this, my family moved from the house we lived in for 16 years to a new house.  It's been a hard move, and I'm not gonna lie. 
It's been a rollercoaster of a year for me.  To say it's been a good year is somewhat of a stretch, but saying it was a bad year is also a stretch.  
I've grown so much from this year.  I've appreciated the small things and admired the big things.
In life, we have to appreciate all of the small things as well as the big things.  Are some years gonna be better than others??  Sure!!  But counting your blessings no matter what you believe in, helps you become a more positive person and it makes you live a better life.

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