Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Answers to Prayers

I don't remember posting this. but my major is journalism.   I plan on graduating in about 2 years (give or take).  I didn't really see myself pursuing this career, but thus far it feel like the best choice for me because I LOVE to write.  (hence the blog).  I've had a journal that I have been writing in since 7th grade (2010ish), so almost 10 years.  I love looking back at the moments of my life and seeing how I grew.  THIS is one of the reasons why I love journaling and that's basically what journalism is.

I don't know how to describe why it's perfect for me.  If anyone knows me well, they know that I've been a musician since I was in diapers.  Literally.  In high school, I thought about pursuing a career in the music field, but once I took AP Music Theory, I lost all appreciation for the field.  Not to be negative or harsh on any future musicians, but it was seriously the most obnoxious and lamest classes I've ever taken.  I took a step back.

If you know me, you know that I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  After giving up on my future as a music teacher, I prayed and felt like Elementary Education was the way! (Note: I was only 19 at the I wasn't in a rush to get anything done).  I took a class that was an intro course to what a future in the Elementary Education field looks like.  Done! Just kidding!  I didn't feel like it was right, and I didn't know it at the time, but I found out my patience with children isn't the best.  I love children, but 8-hours, 5 days a week (give or take the holiday vacations), and 9-months of teaching seems too much for me.

Fast forward to the time before my 20th birthday.  I took a Public Speaking Class, and this was before changing my major.  I didn't think twice about what I would be doing in the class.  A friend of mine took it and recommended it to me.  Done.  Almost halfway inti the semester, I fell in love with the class.  I loved coming and writing speeches (who knew?!)!!!   I took a career placement test, and I tested into Communications: Journalism and Media.  I didn't want to believe it!  I prayed about it and took another aptitude test....same results!  I was shocked!  A year and a half later, I am a JUNIOR!!!! WHAT?!?! How?! I found out that it's an easy major.  I only have maybe 5 or so more semesters until I am handed my Bachelor's degree!  Typing this right now is making me cry because I am SO close to finishing it's not even funny!!

But wait, why journalism?!
1. I love writing (anything-I'm even quick when it comes time to texting)
2. I love history (everyday is a new event waiting to happen, personal or national or even global)
3. I love psychology (I love learning new things about the human body, the world needs to learn more as well)

Those above are just the smaller reasons why.  Also, you can write on anything or report on anything as a journalist!  Honestly, I'm SOOOOOOO excited to be on TV or have people read something I wrote!!!  I love meeting new people and this career is PERFECT for me!!!

Lys out!

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