Sunday, October 21, 2018

School & Me

(I am working on homework AND blogging at the same time...I have an assignment due tonight haha)

Hello! Long time no post, eh?

Well, as you can tell by my comment from above, I have an assignment due for my Intro to Communications class tonight that I'm supposed to be working on.  I'm having writers block right now, so bare with me.  I also had a late night last night after going to Lagoon in Farmington, Utah with my friend Julie.  She dropped me off at 1:00am.   We went to some haunted houses for Frightmares at Lagoon.   It was interesting.

Okay, School!  Well, some people who have ADHD and high functioning autism struggle in school, I've been able to get good grades in school since 10th grade.  When I was younger, my mom had me go to Special Ed. and had me get help with my social skills and what not.  I don't remember much except I was pulled out A LOT in 9th grade when I figured I didn't need to be pulled out of classes.  BUT, low and behold I ended up getting fantastic grades.

I have been able to teach myself about pushing through hard things, especially homework.  Homework, the enemy of mankind.  (I don't think I've met a person who loved doing homework all the time---there's more to life than writing a 5 page paper on a subject that you don't like.)  I don't mind doing homework, but sometimes it can be a challenge for me to focus on it.  I've been better at turning assignments in on time and giving myself a timeline to figure out how I will work on it.

Last year (Fall semester 2017) wasn't my best semester.  I'll be honest!  I began the semester thinking "I'm going to be an elementary school teacher and I'm so excited!".  I took an introductory course that I had to help out at an elementary school to get hours in as a requirement for that class.  I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong.  I felt lost.  I also had to drop my Math 1050 class because my professor wouldn't let me retake a test I accidentally missed and he also didn't teach anything....I also had a rough year after most of my friends left to serve missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I failed the Elementary Education class, dropped out of math, and was completely lost on my path and didn't know where I was supposed to go.

Spring semester 2018 came and went FAST!!  I had a better semester!  I took English 1010 online, which worked out better for me.  I took a Public Speaking class, which I ended up loving.  Because I took that class, I am now a communications major.  Yup!  My grades have been outstanding since then.

I would have to say college has been a challenge and I don't necessarily like it at this point in my life because I feel incredibly nostalgic for high school.    I like college, but I think my road at UVU is coming to an end soon.  I plan on applying to BYU once I get my associates at UVU.  I feel like UVU isn't the place for me to keep going.  BYU offers an amazing communications program, which I want to get into in the next couple of years.

School is hard (sometimes).  I love learning new things everyday and applying them to my life! I can't wait to see where I end up!

When life is rough, keep plowing through and you'll make it!

Monday, August 27, 2018

New Semester, New Me (August 27th, 2018)

Well, it was an interesting summer.  I faced my fear of riding HUGE roller coasters and rode Cannibal, Colosuss, and Wicked at Lagoon in Farmington, Utah.   I made some new friends and kept myself busy without a job.

I also found out that I qualify for a scholarship through Vocational Rehab.  They are paying for my tuition and my books which makes me so grateful for this opportunity.

On July 10th, I set a goal for myself to read The Book of Mormon before school started on August 20th.  I finished reading it on August 18th and I am so grateful for The Book of Mormon.  It's such an amazing book.

Since I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have had friends coming home from 2-year and 18-month missions.  I never thought my friends would be coming home THIS SOON!!  When they left, I felt like they were so far and now they are so close to coming home or they are home.  Life is strange.

My dating life has been the same.  I haven't been on a date since April 16, 2016, which is okay because in Utah County, most of the couples who date at my age get engaged and married too fast.  As much as I love marriage, I don't think I'm ready for a commitment at this stage in my life.  I'm still deciding on if I want to serve a mission.  

I am now on my second week of Fall 2018 semester at UVU.  I couldn't be more thrilled.  I have times where I've cried already because of stress, but I'm grateful to have an education.  I am going into Broadcast Journalism in the communications field.  I can't wait to get a job in the news field.  It has been a dream of mine to work in front of a camera, tell stories, and inform people with my writing skills and persuasion.  I remember visiting the Today Show in New York City when I was 11 years old, and thinking "wow! These folks have a cool job! They get to inform the public of current events going on in the country and in the world!"  The news industry seems like the field for me.

Until next time folks!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Music & Me

As you observed by my first post, music has been a HUGE part of my life!  I grew up on Sound of Music and other musicals.  Before I watched Sound of Music, according to my mom I was really colicky!   The only thing that would calm me down as a baby was Garth Brooks and White Noise.

Well, fast forward a couple years to when I can remember watching music videos.  Yes, the music videos.  Since I was born in '98, this meant growing up to all the boy bands and stuff like that.  I will never forget watching the "Larger Than Life" music video by the Backstreet Boys with my daddy and being scared of it.  When I watched "I Want it That Way", I started crushing on Nick Carter.  I know I was only 1 or 2 when he was 16, but that doesn't mean I can develop feelings for a guy on my computer screen, right?!  

When I was 3, I fell in LOVE with "Miracles Happen" by Myra from The Princess Diaries.  (By the way, SUCH a good song haha)  You can even ask my parents, I would watch it everyday!  Same with Sound of Music.  I guess you could say those songs mean a lot to me, but it wasn't just those that motivated me.

If you've ever heard of the group Savage Garden, they have a song "I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You"(or something like that).   Whenever I hear this song come on, I start balling like a baby and I can't control myself.  This song, belongs to my mommy and me!

That being said, let's journey onto when I first started to watch Disney Channel.  If you watched Disney Channel from 2001-2012 and you grew up watching it, you'd know what I'm talking about.  If not, then bare with me.  In 2003 or 2004, the movie Pixel Perfect came onto Disney Channel.  Now, it was a "musical" so to speak.  Every time I would watch it to the end, I would get emotional.  I would cry.

Music has always had a way of touching me.  It's a form of art and I guess my heart has always felt touched when it comes to moments like this.

Now, if you know me, you know that  High School Musical has been my life since I was 8!  I remember falling in love with watching it!!  I guess it was the music before Zac Efron, but if I ever meet Zac I'll tell him it was him before the music haha!!  I've always been a fan of HSM.  Like they say in the movie "Once a wildcat, always a wildcat!"  I don't think it helps that this movie was made in Utah...I swear I owned anything related to this movie.  I had Troy, Gabriella, and Sharpay Barbie dolls, 3 different pajamas, a fan book, and the list goes on....

Well, during my HSM phase, my mom had me take piano.  I have been playing it now for 12+ years.  Ever since I could make a sound on the piano, I have been so in love with it.  I'm not one of those pros who can play Beethoven or Mozart in 5-seconds.  My gift has been sounding popular songs out.

Okay, now I want to write about flute.  So, I went to Mountainville Academy 3rd-9th grades and 6th grade was in the middle school program.  This was 3rd term/2nd semester that I was put into band class with Ms. Elizabeth Conner.  At first, there was a band meeting to sign up for instruments to play.  My mom gave me a choice between flute or clarinet.  I chose flute.  The moment I picked up the flute on, I was playing on a more advanced level than my classmates.  I took flute lessons from Andrea Morley from 2011-2016.  I learned so much!!!

With my band teacher in middle school, I just want to say how lucky I was to have her!!! Mrs. Conner/McNair will always have a special place in my heart! Why?! Cause she taught me to love music for what it is and not for the competitive nature.  She also was my hero!  She stood up for me when I was bullied!  I was always so excited to go to school and to see Mrs. Conner and do Chicken Fat Friday or Thursday.  Those were fun!  She also taught me so much more than music.  I will never forget her influence in my life!  Without her, I don't know where I would be!

Let's quickly fast forward to 2014.  I was 16 at the time and I was looking for a job.  I had the idea to teach piano, so I taught it for a while, BUT low and student came to me one day and her mom said she was looking for a flute and piano teacher.  This child's name was Talia Shippen.  She was why I started teaching flute!  I have always had a passion for helping children learn how to play flute and even though it can be a challenge, they always amaze me!   I have been teaching now for 4-years and I think this year is my last, but regardless, I have enjoyed my time teaching flute and spreading joy to children!

I would like to close with one of my favorite scriptures from Doctrine & Covenants 25:12, which reads "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." This scripture is so powerful and means so much!

Music has been a way for me to express myself during difficult times in my life and I can't live without it!

Feel free to tell me what you cant live without!


--Lys Collier

Pictures include my students from 2015-2017 
(Talia is the one next to me in the red dress)


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Anxiety + ADHD in Grade School

When I was in 3rd grade, my dad was in the hospital a lot.  He was vomitting a lot and lost a ton of weight.  I remember every time he threw up, I got really scared that I would loose him and that he would die.  There were instances where he almost died due to heart problems.  I cannot describe how anxious I was due to everything going on.

Now that I am older, I know that he's going to be okay and that the doctors know what they are doing.  It was hard on me then, but now I am okay with whatever happens cause I know that I can do hard things!

All About Me!

Hi! My name is Alyssa Collier and I have had ADHD and anxiety since I was a baby, but I was diagnosed later on.  I created this blog to share my beliefs on ADHD and what it is like having ADHD and anxiety with 20 years of life under my belt. In a nutshell, I would like to introduce a little bit of who I am and about myself and my life thus far.
Date of Birth: April 16th, 1998
I live in: Utah
Favorite Movie: Don't even get me started...The following have been the movies I've grown up on.  (Mostly I'm a musical geek, but I don't mind some long as there's a cute guy in it!)
  • High School Musical (All of them, I mean that's how I feel for Zac Efron)
  • Sound Of Music (I was raised on this and watched it everyday--I've probably memorized the entire movie top to bottom and bottom to top)
  • Harry Potter (I watched a couple of them as a kid, but my obsession didn't start until I was 12 years old.) 
  • Hunger Games (I was obsessed with this for the LONGEST time!!)
  • Pitch Perfect (How I became obsessed with acapella)
  • Avengers (I mean, it's hot guys with awesome super powers)
  • Ferris Buller's Day Off (You can't graduate high school and NOT watch this classic!)
  • Bye Bye Birdie (Just a classic that I would watch with my family as I grew up)
  • Singin' In the Rain (Got me interested in the early-mid 20th century)
  • Any Disney Princess movie, or any family Disney movie. (I mean, it's Disney folks)
  • Pixel Perfect (This was an older DCOM, but I would watch this so many times as a kid)
    --As you can see, a lot of musicals!  There's probably more that I've forgotten some movies, but overall these movies have shaped me.

Favorite TV Show: (same thing with the movies...I've watched so many shows, here's a list of the shows I don't mind watching over and over again)
  • Lizzie McGuire (The first "big kid" show I remember watching)
  • Arthur (I would watch this everyday with my mom)
  • Rollie Pollie Ollie (I LOVED this show and was obsessed with his little sister)
  • Madeline (cartoon) (I believe this would air every morning at 5am and I woke up to watch it with my mom and LOVED the books and owned the live-action movie)
  • DragonTales (I ALWAYS wanted to be like Max and Emmy with meeting Dragons, when I found out that they weren't real I was sad)
  • Hannah Montana (What girl my age hasn't seen at LEAST one episode of HM?!)
  • Suite Life of Zack & Cody (I wanted their hotel life!)
  • Sonny With a Chance (It was a funny show, and I remember I had a crush on Sterling Knight as Chad Dylan Cooper.)
  • Wizards Of Waverly Place (This show had everything!! I mean Selena Gomez?! Heck yeah! Wizard for life?! For sure!)
  • F.R.I.E.N.D.S (Started watching it in 9th grade, but I watched the last episode first.  THEN, I became doesn't help that Netflix has ALL the episodes!!)
  • Fosters (It's a good show, I don't mind it at all.  I'm not saying I believe in what they show, but I watch it sometimes)
  • Baby Daddy (Once I found F.R.I.E.N.D.S, I heard about this show and started watching it and laughed so hard)
  • The Ellen DeGeneres Show (My dream is to meet her or to go to her show before she leaves like Oprah did)
  • The Secret Life of the American Teenager (I saw commercials for this show when I was younger, but I wasn't allowed to watch it because of all the adult topics.  Now, I've seen every episode and I LOVE it!! I watch it when I can!! ...Still waiting on Netflix to put it back on)

Religious Belief: I'm LDS/a Mormon!!  I believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ!  I have friends on missions right now.  The boys leave for 2 years, and the girls leave for 18 months.

Why did I start this blog?:  I wanted to basically share stories based on how I was raised with ADHD and anxiety.  I know I'm not a doctor and I'm only 20, but I have had so much passion for finding out psychological things like who I am and why I act the way I've acted.  Over the years, I've struggled to have a long-lasting friendship because people with ADHD and anxiety struggle with keeping friends. 
      I also wanted to reach out to people with ADHD and anxiety to never be afraid with what you have!  ADHD is, and can be, a blessing and a curse.   I've definitely seen it both ways in the relationships I've had and the education I've received.    

I'm not a doctor, but I feel strong about sharing stories about what I went through as a child with ADHD, and would like to have anyone reach out with me if you had the same problems. 

If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, feel free to email me:
I would love to answer any questions about myself, ADHD, my anxiety, etc.  I will be posting on here regularly! Thanks for the support! 

--Lys Collier