Thursday, February 20, 2020

Will I Be Doing the Disney College Program Fall 2020??

Last year, I applied for the Disney College Program (DCP), here was my process:
  • Applied: February 26, 2019 (around 4pm MT)
  • Web-Based Interview (WBI): February 26, 2019 (around 5:30pm MT)
  • Phone Interview (PI): March 4, 2019
  • No Longer In Consideration (NLIC): March 5, 2019
Honestly, I'm grateful I didn't get in because so much happened to me last Fall.  I met Tom Holland, I saw Shawn Mendes, Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, and Twenty-one Pilots in concert.  I wouldn't have done those things HAD I GOT ACCEPTED.

Well, THIS YEAR....It has been different.  I don't know anything yet about if I've been accepted, but I DID apply and here's my application process for Fall 2020:
  • Applied: January 15, 2020
  • WBI: February 7, 2020
  • Schedule PI: February 10, 2020
  • PI: February 17, 2020
  • NLIC: -----
  • Acceptance: ? TBD/TBA
TOTALLY believe in trusting the system!! 
Well, send me pixie dust!