Sunday, October 21, 2018

School & Me

(I am working on homework AND blogging at the same time...I have an assignment due tonight haha)

Hello! Long time no post, eh?

Well, as you can tell by my comment from above, I have an assignment due for my Intro to Communications class tonight that I'm supposed to be working on.  I'm having writers block right now, so bare with me.  I also had a late night last night after going to Lagoon in Farmington, Utah with my friend Julie.  She dropped me off at 1:00am.   We went to some haunted houses for Frightmares at Lagoon.   It was interesting.

Okay, School!  Well, some people who have ADHD and high functioning autism struggle in school, I've been able to get good grades in school since 10th grade.  When I was younger, my mom had me go to Special Ed. and had me get help with my social skills and what not.  I don't remember much except I was pulled out A LOT in 9th grade when I figured I didn't need to be pulled out of classes.  BUT, low and behold I ended up getting fantastic grades.

I have been able to teach myself about pushing through hard things, especially homework.  Homework, the enemy of mankind.  (I don't think I've met a person who loved doing homework all the time---there's more to life than writing a 5 page paper on a subject that you don't like.)  I don't mind doing homework, but sometimes it can be a challenge for me to focus on it.  I've been better at turning assignments in on time and giving myself a timeline to figure out how I will work on it.

Last year (Fall semester 2017) wasn't my best semester.  I'll be honest!  I began the semester thinking "I'm going to be an elementary school teacher and I'm so excited!".  I took an introductory course that I had to help out at an elementary school to get hours in as a requirement for that class.  I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong.  I felt lost.  I also had to drop my Math 1050 class because my professor wouldn't let me retake a test I accidentally missed and he also didn't teach anything....I also had a rough year after most of my friends left to serve missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I failed the Elementary Education class, dropped out of math, and was completely lost on my path and didn't know where I was supposed to go.

Spring semester 2018 came and went FAST!!  I had a better semester!  I took English 1010 online, which worked out better for me.  I took a Public Speaking class, which I ended up loving.  Because I took that class, I am now a communications major.  Yup!  My grades have been outstanding since then.

I would have to say college has been a challenge and I don't necessarily like it at this point in my life because I feel incredibly nostalgic for high school.    I like college, but I think my road at UVU is coming to an end soon.  I plan on applying to BYU once I get my associates at UVU.  I feel like UVU isn't the place for me to keep going.  BYU offers an amazing communications program, which I want to get into in the next couple of years.

School is hard (sometimes).  I love learning new things everyday and applying them to my life! I can't wait to see where I end up!

When life is rough, keep plowing through and you'll make it!