Monday, August 27, 2018

New Semester, New Me (August 27th, 2018)

Well, it was an interesting summer.  I faced my fear of riding HUGE roller coasters and rode Cannibal, Colosuss, and Wicked at Lagoon in Farmington, Utah.   I made some new friends and kept myself busy without a job.

I also found out that I qualify for a scholarship through Vocational Rehab.  They are paying for my tuition and my books which makes me so grateful for this opportunity.

On July 10th, I set a goal for myself to read The Book of Mormon before school started on August 20th.  I finished reading it on August 18th and I am so grateful for The Book of Mormon.  It's such an amazing book.

Since I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have had friends coming home from 2-year and 18-month missions.  I never thought my friends would be coming home THIS SOON!!  When they left, I felt like they were so far and now they are so close to coming home or they are home.  Life is strange.

My dating life has been the same.  I haven't been on a date since April 16, 2016, which is okay because in Utah County, most of the couples who date at my age get engaged and married too fast.  As much as I love marriage, I don't think I'm ready for a commitment at this stage in my life.  I'm still deciding on if I want to serve a mission.  

I am now on my second week of Fall 2018 semester at UVU.  I couldn't be more thrilled.  I have times where I've cried already because of stress, but I'm grateful to have an education.  I am going into Broadcast Journalism in the communications field.  I can't wait to get a job in the news field.  It has been a dream of mine to work in front of a camera, tell stories, and inform people with my writing skills and persuasion.  I remember visiting the Today Show in New York City when I was 11 years old, and thinking "wow! These folks have a cool job! They get to inform the public of current events going on in the country and in the world!"  The news industry seems like the field for me.

Until next time folks!